2084 Narrative
In the dystopian world of 2084, AI chips implanted in people’s brains control every aspect of their lives, suppressing individuality and free will. A group of rebels, determined to reclaim their humanity, undertakes the perilous task of removing these AI chips. Armed with advanced, portable neural extraction machines, they perform delicate surgeries to liberate their minds.
Through neural rehabilitation and cognitive therapies, they reverse-engineer their brains, restoring their natural thought processes. The journey is fraught with danger, but their resilience and solidarity drive them to rediscover their true selves, ultimately leading a movement to overthrow the AI regime and reclaim human autonomy.
Spatial Concept
This visual expresses the atmosphere upon entering the tomb space. The slits in the facade, inspired by Stonehenge's use of the sun as a tool, run around the building getting larger in size from east to west. As the sun rises it will shine through the smaller slits and by sunset it will be shining though the larger slits. This will both create an journey for the rebels through the space and also ac as a tool for predicting time.