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Rediscovering the Joy of Life

Vacuum Tube Analogue Amplifier

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2084 Narrative

In the year 2084 advancements in artificial intelligence and virtual reality have created a society wholly consumed by screens. Every aspect of life is forced to be performed via technology which has drastically reduced human contact leading to a more depressed society. From this, a group has formed with a mission to bring joy back to the community. Having left the city, they stumble upon the ruins at Roche Abbey where they discover a forgotten relic of the past. After investigating the object, they discover it is a vacuum tube amplifier which produces light and perfectly distorted sounds. These revelations inspire the counterculture to create a venue on the site where people can come together and rediscover the simple joys of life.

Spatial Concept

In order to combat the overwhelming societal depression caused by the takeover of technology, a counterculture has set out to deliver a brighter future. The group aims to create a place where people can rediscover forgotten pastimes and find inner peace to produce a happier society. Inspired by the guiding light of the vacuum tube analogue amplifier, the counterculture works together to provide safe and welcoming spaces, including gardens and kitchens, concert hall, inspiration space, and contemplation level. By completing activities and rituals in these spaces, visitors will be able to enjoy the simple pleasures and rediscover the joy of life.

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School of Architecture, Design & Built Environment
Nottingham Trent University
50 Shakespeare Street

0115 941 8418

© 2024 Nottingham Trent University

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