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Daintree House

Vacuum Tube Analogue Amplifier

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2084 Narrative

We are in the year 2084, and the face of the planet has drastically changed. Exceeding the 2°C global warming cap has caused extreme natural global events to occur one after the other. To seek refuge, regions closest to the equator where forced to migrate towards the poles. Ecosystems around the globe have been shuffled. And in order to quickly protect themselves, humanity erected
huge, dense, precarious and polluting strongholds that would detach them from the outside world.
As one part of humanity slowly gave up hope and sought refuge in the virtual realm; some still lingered for a better future, in harmony with nature. Where everything would be in balance. They are the resistance, and they are the last hope for humanity and the world as we know it.

Spatial Concept

As the World and especially the UK are at the mist of an ecological meltdown it seemed important to explore new ways of constructing and new ways of being part of our planet. The ruined Abbey has thus been readapted by an eco-activist group seeking to re-imagine how buildings and humans coexist within their ecosystems. How instead of being a destructive outsider, humans and their creations could become an essential part of this new envi- ronment. The aim of the project is to showcase how architecture and interior design could possibly play a major role in the re-introduction and conservation of endangered animal species. How designing for all can bring benefits not only to the planet but create a multi sensory and grounding environment for humans as well.

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School of Architecture, Design & Built Environment
Nottingham Trent University
50 Shakespeare Street

0115 941 8418

© 2024 Nottingham Trent University

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