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A Voice Through Music


Architecture: BArch

Ruben Lincoln



Atelier 03: Craftmanship

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Edward III Music Centre is a multi-functional civic space that aims to bring together the community, reengage the castle quarter of Nottingham with the rest of the city, and challenge the hierarchy that is present on the site.

The building is flanked on either side by Nottingham Castle and St. Nics Church, which are two buildings that have a powerful presence on the site and throughout history. The Music Centre aims to capture these two opposing powers through the central spine, which divides the centre in half, creating this constant visual link between the two buildings, with their presence looming over at all times. The central spine increases in height as it moves towards the castle, rising up to the castle wall and challenging its topographical hierarchy.

Coming off of the central spine are the main spaces of the centre hosting practice rooms, a music library, workshop, music shop, bar and performance hall. The workshop is a space to build and repair saxophones which can be used within the centre itself for people to learn and enhance their musical prowess.

The Centre hopes to be a place for everyone no matter their race, gender, age etc. and give anyone a voice through music.

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School of Architecture, Design & Built Environment
Nottingham Trent University
50 Shakespeare Street

0115 941 8418

© 2024 Nottingham Trent University

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