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Rutland Rexetere


Architecture: Arch App

Tai-Li Lai



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Immerse visitors in an enthralling journey through time, seamlessly intertwining built form with the organic landscape. Evoking the sensation of stepping into the earth, whilst unravelling history, unveiling stories from the past. Each step forward is a step backward in time, as the architecture harmoniously integrates with the natural terrain, blurring the lines between past and present.
Rutland Rexetere is a transformative space that effortlessly blends Rutland’s Roman heritage with contemporary innovation, creating a vibrant community hub that celebrates the past while embracing the future. Situated within the picturesque landscape of Rutland, the site is reimagined as an immersive visitor centre and community hub, inviting guests to explore the rich history of the region.


Preserving the villa ruins and artifacts unearthed on site, the vision is to create a dynamic space that educates and inspires visitors, while also serving as a gathering place for the community. With improved access routes and innovative design solutions, the building seamlessly integrates into the surrounding landscape, creating a place that is both accessible and inviting.

Through the careful preservation of Roman ruins and the integration of modern amenities, Rutland Rexetere honors Rutland’s cultural heritage while embracing sustainable design principles. From interactive exhibits to community gathering spaces, nature trails and orchards the vision is to create a space that enriches the lives of all who visit, leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

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